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Thursday, 1 December 2011

chapter 1 ~ SCHOOLS END

     4th of November, Friday, 7 days count down from holiday. Aden is looking on his watch and waiting the time school dismiss. Aden, 16, a high schooler, is counting down the day to the holiday by crossing out the day in his own personal calendar. He is too excited to be in holiday time so that he can spend every minute in front of his computer for his online game. Aden was an online gamer since 12, so he can’t stand the feeling of waiting school dismiss everyday and counting down schools end is a nightmare for him. “RRIINNGG….”  The bells rang, everyone run as fast as they can and left a ‘goodbye’ for this horrible school. But Aden is totally excepted, he slept inside his class because of counting down for school dismiss for 2 hours. His Sir wake him up with a kind way ‘ Hey Aden , is time to go home’, ‘K sir’ Aden live just a stone’s throw away from his school , so he just take his leg as transport . Along the way , he suddenly receive a message , when he check on it , is written { from : 01X – XXXXXXX – don’t step on those red bricks after a few steps } Aden stop for a second and laugh at it because he think it is just a prank message . After he continue, [PRANG!!..] he quickly stop his next step. It was a flowerpot dropping from nowhere but a blue sky and when he looks on the ground, it is really some red bricks, and Aden was shock for his moment. He start thinking who is the one who text him the message? He looks around, there is no one that he can doubt for, and this question remains mystery. He try to text back the sender ‘thanks for your help, can I know who you are? please’ He continue walking after texting but even he reach home , the sender still haven’t reply anything yet . So, he doesn’t care anymore because he has thanked the sender …..
     11th November, last day of schooling date, Aden prepare to run home after school to rush for his online game, so his bag was empty since yesterday night has already clear it. Today Aden feels the bells ring earlier, then after that he straight run to the school gate and head towards his home. Suddenly he receive one message just like the week before, this time the message written {from: 01X-XXXXXXX –check your pocket}. Aden realizes the number is same as the number of the sender last week. He quickly stops and check for his pocket. He realize he drop his key and start to return to his route to find. He finally found it in rubbish dumb and he can see the trash car is just coming to his current spot. ‘WOW, I got save again, who was that actually? Why doesn’t he show up?’ He doesn’t text back to ask who is he or she anymore because he knew that he won’t get any answer. He continues his way to go home and play his game.  ~~ TO BE CONTINUE

chapter 2 ~ future known  
synopsis of powers dimensions :

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