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Thursday, 8 December 2011


     ….. Then Aden escapes from this hairy world through the portal. He back to his real world and head back to home. He checks on his watch, it is now 5 a.m. at dawn. ‘OMG! How can I don’t realize is already this late?’
     [The Next Day … 8 a.m.] ‘Aden! Time to wake up you pig!’ ‘Yesss……. Maa…m…’ ‘I make you a breakfast, but make sure you, clean up yourself before you eat’ ‘Zzz, shut up mom, give me 1 more hour’
     [2p.m.] Aden is walking back home after his tuition class. ‘What the hell is the weather doing? I swear I never offend them but why the sun is always acting unkind to me?’ ‘siishh…siishh…’ Aden heard some sound coming behind him and quickly turns around ‘whats that sound?’ He can’t see anyone behind him so he continues to walk home. Until Aden walk to a completely silent back street ‘siishh…siishh’ He hears the sound again. ‘What happen today? Hypnosis disease?’ Suddenly a teenage boy appear in front of Aden from nowhere and strike his fist on Aden’s stomach. Aden doesn’t predict this to happen on him so he can’t be able to block the teenage boy’s fist on time. Another fist on Aden’s chin follow by a kick and knockdown Aden. ‘Any last word before dying?’ The teenage boy takes out a knife and put on Aden’s neck. ‘Who are you?’ ‘Don’t be such a busy body; there is no need for you to know who I am’ Another intruder comes in and get the teenager away from Aden with his Chinese martial art. Aden see the Teenager who holding his knife just teleport away from him for about 5 meter and asks ‘What had happen? How do you do that?’ Aden’s savior asks the teenager ‘I’m Lee, support and active(SNA) user, and you?’ ‘Rex, rare type user’ ‘Ohh… so that is your power? Teleport?’ ‘the way you speak, you have some experience too, doesn’t it?’ ‘Ya, I guess so’ Aden chip in the conversation ‘SNA? rare type? You both talking about the game? It really exists?’ Lee reply Aden ‘Hey kid, your power still remains unknown, you still can avoid entering this game if your power doesn’t active once’ Rex: ‘Let’s have a fight Lee’ Lee: ‘as I wish, kid you have stay aside, there is no guarantee I can protect you’ Rex: ‘how about exchanging power first? My power is rare type, Shunpo, teleport within an fixed area’ Lee: ‘SNA type, left hand is ability of expand, right hand is modifying item’ Rex: ‘K, I think we can start now, CF mode fight mode, SET!’ Lee: ‘SET!’
     CF mode explanation – CF (challenge fight) mode exists in 3 mode – Flag mode, race and fight to capture the opponent flag. Fight mode, 1 on 1 fight until one of the contestant falls and unable to wake up again for 10 sec. Race mode, race and fight for the first to reach the goal. Every CF fight will have a judge to avoid killing. Killing is not allowed for CF mode but not in normal assassinating.
     Judge: ‘Ready… Fight!!!’ Lee: ‘Hey, if I am not wrong, your rare type power has a limit charge for a period, right?’ Rex: ‘Ya, your SNA too has a casting time doesn’t it? So we are equal’ Lee: ‘Ohh, we are equal? You will never know unless we start’ Rex: ‘allowing me to make move first? Then I will accept this request, don’t regret’

Sunday, 4 December 2011


     …. and answer ‘Yes I am’ with an interesting expression … but the next second he show up his curious face and ask ‘How to play? My mom always tells me that human can’t own a unique power like those characters in my game and she warns me not to play too much game’. The imp spell ‘E-A-S-Y, that was totally easy my little young boy, don’t you remember? I am an imp’. ‘An imp ? Wow! Amazing! You little bear, you think you can fool me? Is December now, or maybe your brain is still stuck in 1st of April’. Aden turn around and head towards the portal gate ‘I am leaving!’, before he go , he look at the elf with a lovely smile ‘thanks cute elf’. The little elf immediately turns around and fainted. Then… the moment Aden step in the portal, he gets suck in just the same as before. 
     When he wakes up and opens his lazy eyes, ‘what!?’, ‘you had answer Yes, so you have no choice but to enter this game, because’ the imp turn into a big demon and fly to the front of Aden’s face and looks at him and shout ‘THE CONTRACT HAD ALREADY PASS’ . Then it turns back into an imp to continue explaining everything to Aden. ‘The law is simple, there are only two of them. 1st- choose a power from the list’. Then a big screen flies towards from nowhere and shows tons of powers. ‘Please select your choice.’, ‘Waa….. This is really amazing! Erm…..’, ‘never mind let me explain all of those power rules. Powers will level up if you overloaded its limit. We have 4 types of powers, synchronize type, support and active type, solo type and rare type. Synchronize type is active your power by using both hands, you own different power for each of your hand. Support and active (SNA) type is allowing your left hand’s power to help your right hand’s activate its power. It means both this powers must use both hand together to active your power to the most effective form, of course it can also be use by just only 1 hand, but it can only reach the maximum of 30%. Solo type power’s users have an advantage in using 1 hand to fight. Both your hands own different power, maybe you can use it together but not every solo power allows you to synchronize it. Lastly rare type power only selects its own user, it doesn’t mean it will come for you but is only suitable for a user that strong enough to control it. Rare type user doesn’t use their hand but they have their body synchronize with the power. So please select the power you want.’ ‘Hmph… Can I ask how can I know the power is a higher level form?’ ‘Synchronize type user can fully control its power, the power will level up, it gains high shield penetration and focusing target. For SNA type will have 1 of your hand’s power upgrade. Next, solo type will get a random power form depending on the power and rare type user will gain another ultimate ability.’ ‘I think I really need to go, there is no one of this suit me, or maybe what I thought is far more stronger than all of this.’ ‘Just as I had said, once the contract had pass, there is no more turning back, even you leave here, you will also own a power with a random choosing from this list.’ Aden doesn’t care anything about what’s the imp babbling about and jump into the portal. 
     This time he doesn’t get suck in but knock to an unseen ground for dropping from a high place from the gate. He look upwards, he can’t even see the portal gate but slightly see a limit of light source. ‘Wow, here is completely dark, am I dead?’ Suddenly, tons of fire torch light around him and in front of him the torch is arrange both side of a lava pathway, at the end of the pathway is a ‘half demon angel creature’. ‘Hey, player number 756832, I am the game master of this game, in order to make everything simple, I only created 2 laws, 1st is select a power and fight other players with it, 2nd is…… follow every rulesssssss I said, as you listen ‘rulesss…’ so it means tons of them include an emergency rule. UNDERSTAND? Okay, you may leave now, (pointing its finger to the way) there is the gate. See you. Oh yes, welcome to ‘Powers Dimension’’ Then the ‘creature’ disappears by jumping into a void......TO BE CONTINUE~~~THANKS FOR READING

Next chapter ~ Game Turns Reality
Synopsis of powers dimensions :

Saturday, 3 December 2011

chapter 2 ~ FUTURE KNOWN

Aden is heading to his house gate just a few miles in front of him, he get another message again ‘don’t go home’. He knows that anything will happen again so he stop and waiting for anything to happen. Just a blink of Aden’s eyes, a Porsche rams to his gate, follow by a few cars bang on it and have a great crash. ‘OMG!!! WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? MY MOM IS GONNA SENTENCE ME IN THE EVENING, HOW CAN I FIX THIS INCIDENT?' He quickly go in front to get a answer for the current situation. Just another second, police come and cover up the area that the accident happened. The police officer walk towards Aden, ‘Is that you who made this report?’, ‘No, Sir’. ‘Are you sure? There is no one here except for you’, ‘NO!! SIR!!, are you deaf!, I saided NO, double past tense, can you understand now?’ The police officer orders him to leave because they need to carry out an investigation.
  Aden text {Is that you who is the one who report this? why don’t you show yourself? can you please let me know who you are you Mr. Mystery?} Aden finally got a reply from him {Tonight, 0000 hour, your school’s back yard}. ‘Ohh.. Come on, I have to go to school again?’
[Owl hooting hour… The schools back yard] Aden doesn’t see anyone there accept a door floating 3inches from the ground. He thought that man is waiting him inside the door so he opened it. ‘WOW, a portal gate?’ The moment he step in the door, he get suck in and the next second he wake up, He is lying in the middle of a big field. ‘Hey freshman, who invite you to enter? Let me guess, ‘The Serpent’? ‘The Cheater’? or I know ‘The Dark Predator’ right ?’A little elf talking to him. Another imp, continue the speech ‘boy you look weak, how about serve me a dinner with your meat instead of wasting your time with this game?’. ‘Who are you both little demon? And what you both talking about? Serpent? Predator? Game? I don’t know what you both babbling about? Get me out of here! I am leaving!’ ‘Ooo… a perfect newbie being invite by no one and … then how do you get in here?’, Aden suddenly turn to a soft face ‘about this matter? I just simply open a door and the second I swing my leg into it, it suck me in then the next thing I know is … a little cute elf and an ugly little bear with its tail burning splitting its saliva on me’, ‘What! You calling me bear?! I am an imp!!’, Aden doesn’t care anything about what the imp says ‘Anyway, I am leaving can you please show me the way out little cute elf?’ The elf acting shy ‘He called me cute 2 times … what am I going to do ...’, Aden suddenly appear in front the elf and says ‘Please’ with a smile face. ‘Yes sir… here is the way’. The elf immediately creates a portal gate same with the one Aden use to enter this dimension. ‘Wait young boy, don’t you want to know where you are now?’, ‘NO thanks you little bear’, ‘Wait….wait…., you are a gamer right? Why don’t you try a game play with your own body? Fell with your own senses? Doesn’t it sound interesting? Young boy’, ‘What do you mean that?’ Aden replies. ‘Ee…Herm… first of all, let me introduce where are you now young boy, this huge blank dimension in your eyes is a dimension of a game call ‘Powers Dimension’ it appears to share the same space with human earth but is in different dimension. It means, the place you standing are where you come from but you can’t see it because you are not one of the participants of this game. And this game is a battle game with a real human fighting another human, it is quite similar to those online game you play but is happen in real life. So…. Are you interesting to join?' Aden thinks for awhile and answer ……. TO BE CONTINUE

Chapter 3 ~ Enter Game ‘Powers Dimension’
synopsis of powers dimensions : 

Thursday, 1 December 2011

chapter 1 ~ SCHOOLS END

     4th of November, Friday, 7 days count down from holiday. Aden is looking on his watch and waiting the time school dismiss. Aden, 16, a high schooler, is counting down the day to the holiday by crossing out the day in his own personal calendar. He is too excited to be in holiday time so that he can spend every minute in front of his computer for his online game. Aden was an online gamer since 12, so he can’t stand the feeling of waiting school dismiss everyday and counting down schools end is a nightmare for him. “RRIINNGG….”  The bells rang, everyone run as fast as they can and left a ‘goodbye’ for this horrible school. But Aden is totally excepted, he slept inside his class because of counting down for school dismiss for 2 hours. His Sir wake him up with a kind way ‘ Hey Aden , is time to go home’, ‘K sir’ Aden live just a stone’s throw away from his school , so he just take his leg as transport . Along the way , he suddenly receive a message , when he check on it , is written { from : 01X – XXXXXXX – don’t step on those red bricks after a few steps } Aden stop for a second and laugh at it because he think it is just a prank message . After he continue, [PRANG!!..] he quickly stop his next step. It was a flowerpot dropping from nowhere but a blue sky and when he looks on the ground, it is really some red bricks, and Aden was shock for his moment. He start thinking who is the one who text him the message? He looks around, there is no one that he can doubt for, and this question remains mystery. He try to text back the sender ‘thanks for your help, can I know who you are? please’ He continue walking after texting but even he reach home , the sender still haven’t reply anything yet . So, he doesn’t care anymore because he has thanked the sender …..
     11th November, last day of schooling date, Aden prepare to run home after school to rush for his online game, so his bag was empty since yesterday night has already clear it. Today Aden feels the bells ring earlier, then after that he straight run to the school gate and head towards his home. Suddenly he receive one message just like the week before, this time the message written {from: 01X-XXXXXXX –check your pocket}. Aden realizes the number is same as the number of the sender last week. He quickly stops and check for his pocket. He realize he drop his key and start to return to his route to find. He finally found it in rubbish dumb and he can see the trash car is just coming to his current spot. ‘WOW, I got save again, who was that actually? Why doesn’t he show up?’ He doesn’t text back to ask who is he or she anymore because he knew that he won’t get any answer. He continues his way to go home and play his game.  ~~ TO BE CONTINUE

chapter 2 ~ future known  
synopsis of powers dimensions :